Book 4. The Physics of the Realities. Afterword with the prospect of continuing... 412 7.7. We "hanker" for the object of worship N. Levashov described a lot in his books. It is sufficient to replace the present distorted foundation of modern people for another one, which will make it possible to build a true understanding of everything – the micro-, macrocosm and Man and all that he feels, existing in the intermediate world and observing the manifestation of the real laws of nature. What do the people do when absolutizing information provided by Nicolai in his books? Probably, it is fair to correlate with the creation of religion, but not to equate, because religions were created on a different basis. After tracing the history of religions emergence (for example, having known much from N.A. Morozov), it can be assumed what such unlimited exaltation promises. With the known information support (according to the real annals of the last 2000 years on the Planet), this ends in a deadlock – a certain mass of people is united by common interests and then acts in accordance with the enclosed program, surrounded with rituals which make senseless the original information given in books from the very beginning. Phrases are pulled out of the context, terms loose their essence, a dogma is formed, any movement outside is suppressed . This is impossible now for one simple reason – there is no relevant information support, and what is happening in this direction is nothing more than an auto-moto-kind of manifestation in individual people. Moreover, an entirely different information transmission ensures the need for extension in Cognition, which can also be initiated by Levashov's books, as well as in other ways. This point is not principal – the final result, which is set and which will be achieved, – that counts. Someone, through the pangs of accepting or not accepting the fact that the things stated in the books of Nicolai are not dogma, but only the basis; for someone in general without his books as the initiating principle, for others, unfortunately, it will not be possible at all to realize anything. But you always have to start with "simple". For everyone this simple is individual. "Let's define the concept of matter. We understand matter as an objective reality given to us in sensations. Sensations are information about the world around us and it enters the Brain through the senses " . This fragment of Nicolai Levashov's "Inhomogeneous Universe" was read by everyone (I'd like to hope, but if you have not read it, you have to), as well as his view of the science development, the correctness of which is determined by the decrease in the number of accepted postulates. In the existing version of "science", their number only increases with its "development". Nicolai offers us only one