F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 245 of molecules. Cognition must be objective and precise. Only then is it effective, only then it is Cognition. But these thoughts, research and studies, by and large, were aimed at solving the problem of human health and, of course, the extension of his life . Everything was done within the framework of the program for recreating the longevity of the "shirt" for the subsequent transfer the Brain of the Invaders into it. But neither Parmenides with Democritus, nor those who are still "engaged" in these issues – knew it, and they were not supposed to know. 5.8. Round one tree Various authors developed a number of physical models of the atom, each of which allowed one to describe at least one of the properties observed in the experiments. However, it was initially clear that the proposed model is one of the possible ones, which is clearly visible on the figure depicting the atom evolution concept. Our ideas are developed in accordance with the level of knowledge and understanding that we have at a particular stage of the science evolution and in line with this information provided for people’s perception. The aggregate of ideas sufficient to describe a particular phenomenon are scientific systems, which, like any system, develop naturally. These regularities can be comprehended and used for systematic development of the systems. That is the way the cognition of the surrounding world occurs taking as a starting point some initial level of ideas about the object of research and is not able to "skip" some stages of its development without going through them. It is customary to describe one's ideas using, for example, a physical model. Here, each new model makes it possible to take another step into the unknown, as a rule, denying or supplementing the previous model. For example, N.V. Levashov demonstrated the inconsistency of A. Einstein's General Relativity Theory as the THEORY RELYING ON THE FALSE POSTULATES . It is written a lot about Einstein and the theory of relativity, but no one analyzed his posthumous testament to the descendants. "...But now no one knows how to find the basis of such a theory" – this phrase closes the last scientific article... by Albert Einstein, published in the year of his death...