F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 155 Many of them after this "selection" find themselves immediately in the dressing room, and some (despite the age) – directly in the Bath. For this reason, I agreed to "create" the "SvetL" Complex for children using the Technologies applied in the Basic Complex, with both silver and silicon, as a resonator and information receiver in interaction with the changing Life Support System. Later it became clear that this significantly improved the "work" of the military recruitment office. “The necessary” and the “fit’ will not have any ambitions in general. There will be no offence or anything like that. There will be a sensible picture of the ongoing events. You do not need to look closely to see how aggressive people are today. It is manifested in anything – a man sometimes unexpectedly for himself "detonates." And it manifests itself in a variety of forms – anger, envy, narcissism and the like, having one consequence – DESTRUCTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF MAN’S MIND. Everything that we create in this life is preserved inside us for a long time after our ambitions and fears are covered with ashes. Therefore, warnings about everyone’s having, what to keep silent about, and being a judge to oneself – they act in both directions, and they are now particularly relevant. This can cause misunderstanding, maybe even this text itself, under certain conditions, may result in some unnecessary aspirations, thoughts and even deeds. Do not make haste – you just need to go back to these materials, – the main thing is not to be late. 3.7. If a dog is barking at you… What are biosensors? We have already considered this subject in the second book, but I remind you that these are biostructures informing both the external environment and through the external membrane of the Life Support System the System itself on the occuring changes. What kind of changes can the external environment undergo in the conditions of its protection by the life support system? These are holographic changes, that is, changes in the optical space transformations, the appearance of magnetic anomalies (Hartmann nodes), electrical anomalies (Curie nodes), gravitational anomalies (X-ray nodes), distortion of resonant feedback contours, changes in the properties of the resonant amplifier (reducer), gas medium or the ratio of the partial pressures of gases and much more. All this you are observing nowadays with your own eyes, but with the comments of