F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 129 participation in choosing the forms and ways of life (both in the areas of geographical allotment and area development, and in the execution of the imposed functions in the course of further perfection of the elements of violence), but in their material usage in all spheres of life that occurred within the framework of the imposed program for the development of an illusory civilization. Exactly illusory, because the whole previous process of the "Interventionist development was just imitation of "intelligent orientation" civilization. Precisely this way it would be fare to understood that period. Will the position and people’s role are going to be changed in the overall processes of CIVILIZATION DEVELOPMENT THROUGH HUMAN RECONSTRUCTION ? Undoubtedly and unconditionally. The unconditionality is realized through the acquisition of the Perfect Mind. And the undoubtlessness – through the returning of a true functional endowment to Man and providing him with an entirely different level of knowledge. One of the first steps in this direction (I am repeating this again and again) are the works by N. Levashov, A. Khatybov, all those who are mentioned in this book , and the book itself (at least, I would like it to be so). 3.1. It is possible and necessary You should not be scared of this information and make some hasty conclusion about yourself (I am not able, I don’t understand, I might get crazy, etc). Accepting your inability, you will expect help from outside to fulfill your own wishes. After realizing that everything you want can be made through the efforts of your Mind by cool headedness and objective thinking, you will realize that only you yourself can give you what you need. You might get an erroneous touching idea of the mother’s care for the side of the Old System about THE WHOLE PROCESS OF PEOPLE’S DEVELOPMENT . Nowadays we can hear it from all MEDIA , which are telling us "interesting" historical facts of the past. Verily, everything was build up and realized in the other utterly disgusting final results for the people. I assure you that supporting care can be expected by those who have been washed in the Bath; who found oneself in the dressing room waiting for being washed; those who, in this endeavor, believed with all responsibility (at least began to be interested) in the "SvetL" Programs and made a step on the path of Knowledge. I am not agitating for the Programs and their use by people. You can make a step and go along the