With regard to the forthcoming… F. Shkrudnev

2 and recently “awakened” the Ural Complex , with its “unfolding” periphery, to which Vyborg Complex, as one of the components in the North West, relates. As a cosmophysical process for the recreation of the true conditions of the Earth civilization development, this is quite enough to ensure the current level of energy-information support of the true control processes with the executing activities of people and their social Consciousness formation, changes in their being for the Transition period and so on. Of course, the “Mirrors” of the Control Complexes are extraordinary important, but today, they are not the only means of transmission for providing energy-information support for the being of all living on our planet. In addition to Mirrors, other means of translation and support, such as the star of our Solar System (the Sun) with all its system objects for generating and transmitting “energy-information” flows (as part of the magnetic energy flows from the Sun, but with specific parameters and special velocity characteristics of matter flows as they move to the Earth), as well as the stars of other stellar Systems participating by their