The Brain Memory or the Program Memory System!

2 development. Back in the 80-ies of the last century they proved that for the mutation of the monkey genome into the human genome, it takes the time that exceeds the entire age of the Earth (more than 4.5 billion years). At the same time, the mathematician Chandra Wickramasingh and the astrophysicist Freud Hoyle (they worked together) came to the conclusion: “Most likely, a hurricane, sweeping through the dump of old aircraft, will collect a new superliner from the pieces of scrap, than life will accidentally arise from its components.” It is known that an ordinary person uses only 3–5% of his brain neurons, the remaining 95–97% of the brain’s capabilities are blocked, there exists an artificial separation of the conscious (5%) and the unconscious (95%). Nicolai Levashov explained in his books that this is an evolutionary reserve of the Spirit, which comes out only when a person reaches the evolutionary planes of higher mental levels. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the traditional science considers such a theory to be at least controversial, and more often – just a myth. For example, Svyatoslav Medvedev, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Brain, that is, in fact, an academic institution, that only deals with the Brain problems, says the exact opposite – that modern people use the whole of the Brain capabilities, but everyone uses it in different ways, including a primitive hunter. In his opinion, there are a lot of reserves in the Brain, but they are not unlimited, and the point is that when people begin to actively use the reserves, they get neurosis, high blood pressure, etc. To put it bluntly, in general, there are reserves, but they cannot be used, because you can get sick, and it turns out that it is supposedly best to remain in