SvetL technology and the main desires of man

2 of a great sunken treasure. Happiness is very often an experience spilled from the rubble of the emotions of everyday life. Then there is this other feeling, pain. Every day it lurks in the shadow, always ready to strike. Pain is more present than happiness, as we have learned in life. And our being has been programmed since immemorial times to foresee this pain: to be careful, to be circumspect, to sense the danger. The unconscious radar works at full speed to avoid pain by all means. Therefore, the avoidance of pain always has a higher priority than the experience of happiness. For example, if you are afraid of water and someone tells you that you have to swim to an island because your happiness is waiting there for you, then you unconsciously weigh both against each other: swimming = crossing water = fear = pain. The result is: "avoid swimming!" Happiness is consciously avoided because fear or pain in the body feels much stronger than some possible happiness. The following proverbs express that thought: "The fear is in his bones" or "The fear is on his back". It is easier for us to experience fear and pain than happiness, and not only because pain prevention is stored as a program in our brain. As children, we were always taught to be careful: watch out, do not fall down, do not make any mistakes (mistakes are punishable = pain). We are so used to this behavior of avoiding pain rather than having joyful feelings of happiness, that avoiding pain becomes an unconscious obstacle on the way to happiness. Because in order to get where the luck is, I have to do something that I have not done before (otherwise I would already be lucky!). This very idea is typically met with rejection, because "doing