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Понедельник, 30 марта 2020 10:35

Reasoning for a common person

F. Shkrudnev

This never happened before and here again…

V. S. Chernomyrdin

People were preparing for a crisis, putting by for a rainy day, but were not ready for a pandemic. How much money was spent on the army reinforcement – and all in vain: an invisible enemy crept in imperceptibly – you can neither shoot him, nor blow him up.

By March 29, the population of 199 countries had been infected with coronavirus. In the world the number of cases exceeded 723,066 people, 33,983 died. In Russia, 269 people fell ill in one day, all in all 1,534 diseased in 58 regions, 68 recovered, 9 died.

The world is placed in quarantine. President Putin announced a week-long “vacation” throughout the country. The people didn’t know what to think about “such generosity!”

Authorities all over the world are trying to convince people to stay home. And there is a lot of talk – some people think that a pandemic is a test for humanity. Others – it is God's punishment! Still others take it for a deliberate provocation with the goal of cashing in. The fourth think this is an “elite conspiracy” aimed at reducing the world's population. The fifth – take it as a warning to our civilization, and the deadly virus is a messenger from outer space.


Reasoning for a common person F. Skrudnev