F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 85 objects, that required tritium (those "pipes" exist to this day at a depth of - 2200 m to -3000 m). Water was intensely saturated with tritium. The SURFACE of the PLANET was subjected to CHANGES as well; at this stage, the level of prime coating of the planet was "raised" again and reached h=-3000 m (in relation to the current level). Land geography expanded considerably. There began the manifestation of some semblance of discernment of the continental surface of the Earth. But it was only the primary image, even now depriving illusions many present day specialists of Geophysics, whose knowledge in geographical distinction of the surface of our planet rely on the theory of the separation apart (and the associated further "travel" of continents to different directions) However, the truth about the formation of continents is based on "the foundation of digging", as an undeniable fact and on the trail of interventionists’ achievements, and not on the theory of "spreading" and traveling of the entire continents. But why "the curve shapes of cutting" the continents on many borders of discernment is so amazingly alike? The answer to this question is NOT ASSOCIATED with spreading, it is associated with forms of scattering radiation frequencies (introduced by the invaders), with chemical elements formation at the ionic level, with subsequent formation of a "bulk firmament" (and filling with water, in particular) and so on. With the expansion of the continental areas the invaders made ACTIVE ATTEMPTS on formation of flora and fauna as a complex element and process in general "civilization" development of the Earth. In addition to co-participation of flora and fauna in providing people’s nutrition and their inhabited places it was required their active participation in the formation of natural minerals. Basically, all the attempts of intensive rehabilitation especially the fauna, were DOOMED to FAILURE . In the development of flora the complete similarity to its previous state was not achieved, the reason of those failures is the principal change of fundamental constants in all interventionists’ creation of energies being. All the surrounding reality had changed fundamentally. There was no longer previous Program of operating "synthesis" of trees and plants. The structure of new chemical elements did not allow to come even close to any similarity in the field of flora. Thus, the invaders began to form that kind of flora, which turned out to be a certain HYBRID of the past and introduced processes of the synthesis control. Present day experts in the field of flora wonder to this day how dramatically and fundamentally their state was
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