F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 81 capture itself was symbolic, since all the Main Complexes on the planets of the interplanetary Cluster of the Earth had been off. Not knowing the structures of their construction, having a lower level of knowledge, the attackers just tied up all the planets with gravitational tubes (and later –with connections tubes), included imputed base generating frequency radiation protection of the Sun, surrounded the planet with "satellites" (as security convoys) and moved in the direction of the Big Dipper, in order to make out an active area of its reach. But on the way it was decided not to lose time and carry out some possible processes of changes in their own favor. I have already mentioned that the capture of the Earth was simultaneously with the sweeping off the entire Mankind (in their physical plane of existence) and those control objects that were on the surface. All humanoids, as the energy state of the Entity of the entire diversity of the biosphere in their non-physical as well as Spiritual Essence of the proto- Humans with the octave of the Brain within 96-124 , being at the moment in the structure of the Earth's Atmosphere (in the gratings’ octave of the 32 to 72), were CAPTURED. They could not be hidden "below", as all the Complexes before the attack had been switched off. As noted previously, the saved were ONLY SPIRITUAL ENTITIES with the 224 level of the octave of the Brain. Captive humanoids were kept in the interments’ objects’ cells (mostly type 440), landed on the Earth. Then began the first "filling" of the surface of the planet, with "their water" (tritium) and the formation of sand out of the water. This process lasted approximately 620 years , the surface of the Earth during this time has changed significantly and reached the level h=-4300 m (in relation to the present level of measurement). The Earth's atmosphere had not yet been structurally changed, but some gasses were added as part of its gas completeness which were necessary for ebr entities breathing (in their physical plane of existence) – the oxygen and fluorine were theirs (later the composition will be replaced). Immediately after the installation of invaders’ complexes of type 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 000000 and auxiliary systems (shapers of the quantum fluctuations like those in the area of Stonehenge, and others), after landing the only one remaining today main object (type 960, or "Jerusalem", or the Third Rome – (as you like) located near Red Square in Moscow); and after landing ALL OBJECTS of convoy the trial "Program start" for the materialization in the physical plane of the first group (2%, i.e., approximately 17-20 million) of the captured humanoids (i.e. Earthly