F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 53 2003 threatened the entire Solar system. There is one last option: the true system of the world, which is created by the atmosphere grating at the phase of light pulse at 0 was called Svetilo (Luminary) . The paraphase speed is affected by the light parameters, color spectrum, brightness, flow density, the planet’s code (for the Earth it is 512) and the distance from the sun. The octaves of the Original ECS were lowered, and since many principal systems of the Earth were captured by the invaders – they HAD TO BE TURNED OFF. In search of a more complete understanding you can refer to another important source of information – the book by N. Levashov "The Tale of the Light Falcon" – the past and the present" . "...our distant and not so distant ancestors called our luminary RA or YARILO-the SUN! In the same way our planet was called MIDGARD- EARTH and not just EARTH as we call it today! Because MIDGARD is the WORLD inhabited by PEOPLE. So for our ancestors the word "Sun" was not the name of our present Sun , as well as "Earth" was not the name of our planet! Every planet, every star in those days had their own names, including the planet-earths and their suns which were distant for many light years. All the LUMINARIES and PLANETS - EARTHS had names that these celestial bodies were given not by our ancestors, but the inhabitants of those planets from distant constellations from which immigrants populated our planet Midgard-Earth in stages!" BY the time of capture, the world population had been 1.4 – 1.2 billion proto- Humans . This IMPORTANT and KEY information on the replacement of our Yarila (True Earthly light – White Light) for the Sun was first given openly in an interview with the candidate of historical Sciences, ethnologist, art historian, member of the "Russian Geographical Society" Zharnikova Svetlana Vasilievna at the 2nd Vedic Congress in 2010. Unfortunately, Svetlana was gone in November 2015… From the writings of N. Levashov it is known that for the emergence of life on the Planet, the following conditions are to be observed : - the availability of constant differential dimension;