F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 33 supernovae, flying "shards" of the Planets in the form of asteroids and other Space "riots", as well as from the objectively existing parasitic civilizations. The planetary Cluster System 2 besides the Earth consisted of: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Phaeton, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus . Each of the Planets had a particular function provided to it. For example, the System of planets did NOT NEED the Sun (there wasn’t one) as a multifunctional generating system that provided the formation of control-energy radiation frequencies. On the Earth there were 364000 objects to ensure EVERYTHING required for the complex control and harmonious EXISTENCE of energies, performing a process of civilizational development, and providing habitat conditions. The light had the 80 octave (the current lighting with the participation of the Sun is the 48 octave), gravity was of 5.82 m/s 2 (this fundamentally changed the whole arrangement of life for the Human, metabolic processes of the body and many other things in the state of reality). That Planetary System was created for the development of PERFECT MIND , to reach by Man being on the Earth, the TRUTH about Consciousness, Mind and Matter . It was decided to realize this goal on the basis of the Living Cell in the PROPER evolution of the Human Brain under specially prepared conditions of life-attending System of the Earth Control (ECS). This had been realized LONG BEFORE the forcible entry of parasitic civilization – the invaders from Darkling worlds. 1.2. Before the "Capture"... Each planet from the Overall Hierarchy of Civilizations with the endowed living conditions, has to HAVE i n its model design a certain required "set" of controlling, providing and attending Objects and Complexes, which being formed in the functional cluster 3 Systems have to be able to: 2 Planets clusters additionally invested power in developing civilization of intelligent orientation; their Control System consists of: Control Complexes, objects, Systems of energy-information transmission and communication which in total provide and retain in stability the control energies – the Mind. 3 Cluster is unification of several homogeneous units, which can be considered as an independent unit, possessing certain qualities, being common for each associated element. For example: celestial, galaxy, civilizational, planetary, cluster of public development. Control of every sphere of being, as separate