F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 319 From 1918 until the end of his life N.A. Morosov was director of the Natural Sciences Institution named after P.F. Lesgaft. The institution distinguished itself by the multi-aspect of research work in varied fields of knowledge, which was manifested by the Instituton publications since 1919 under his editorship. It was at this institution, at the initiative of the scientist, there began the development of a number of problems related to the exploration of outer space. The principle of comprehensive research was realized not only at the institution that he directed, but also in the work of the scientific center created in 1939 on his initiative in the Borok settlement of the Yaroslavl region, where the Institution of Inland Water Biology and the Geophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences are currently working. Of all his fundamental works on mathematics, chemistry, aviation, geophysics, meteorology, aeronautics, mathematical linguistics (he was its precursor), astronomy, natural science, the history of Human culture and others, N.A. Morozov, on the basis of his own research, in his fundamental work, "Christ" makes the conclusion that the Humanity has neither its history, nor science, as the knowledge about the world around us. When researching into the processes taking place on the Earth, one has not only to know all the laws of the phenomenal world, but also be able to analyze the past events, finding the connections between them. One can believe everything that science has presented to us today, but knowledge can not be based on it, and the convincing proofs that science adduces are made in the absence of a different system of knowledge. N.A. Morozov’s ever lasting aspiration for work at the "joints of sciences", using the facts and methods of various fields of knowledge, brings him closely to the SYSTEMATIC SCIENTIFIC APPROACH (which is now one of the leading methods in science) in studying phenomena in their diverse and often unexpected connections that unite seemed to be completely heterogeneous phenomena and processes. The range of interests of the scientist extended from the chemical elements to the essence of life;
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