F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 3 Foreword The modern system of man’s views once firmly settled and for quite a number of hundred years being polished is clearly reflected in the scientific way of looking at things. They are well-grounded, fundamental, and steadfast in the truth of their position – In a word – " SCIENCE ". It's like something that is unattainable for anyone and everyone . It is not like some intricate craft, which, although being difficult at times, can be mastered by anyone to some extent, and therefore, it is quite real to get the title of master. Science is the lot of quite a few. It is necessary not only to have weighty intellectual resources, moreover, extended in some area to unconceivable dimensions, making it possible for you to judge things more confidently than anyone else. You also have to be scientifically minded so that you are able to save your face in a worthy manner in the circle of your kind. Well, and if you make some effort – it will give you the opportunity from the considerable height of your highly scientific intellectual statements to judge about the possibilities and achievements of both less experienced and eminent ‘bison’ scientists, fatherly suggesting a way to a new essential scientific research so far being noticed by no one. Scientific activities that are so much desirable and hardly ever easily attainable and only to a few worthy ones turn out to be very close, but for the majority it proves to be a true revelation at the beginning – what an ample scope to creative work! How much of under-explored and under-investigated has the modern scientific school offered! How much good could one do to it with one’s work! Experienced scientists in a majority take young scientists in their ranks with such tangible kindness and care suggesting and directing them in so hard, but fascinating scientific search. Although somewhat has been modified in the political and economic battles, the scientific school has still preserved for the true scientists the opportunities for their development in the form of grants, which are distributed according to the most promising trends for the development of science in general and its application in the national economy. It is true, there are some discrepancies, temporary or local difficulties, but they are only bumps on the way of formation and development of Science presenting itself as a kind of a monster, created with only one aim – to lead the humanity away from even the possibility of