F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 263 Chapter 6. About the creator of the "Bannoye delo" Life experience gives us joy only when we can pass it on to others. Andre Maurois Those actions that are taking place today before our eyes, as a result of the most complicated events developing like a scenario, directly affect our lives and lead to the unconditional conclusion that for a transition to another path of development it is far from sufficient to have the present level of cognition and that knowledge we possess. Any attempts to go on making "houses of cards", i.e. artificially imposed illusions and abstracted from the surrounding reality model ideas about it, take us further away from the reality. Many people begin to realize it. In what kind of perspective should one see the ongoing events to get at their meaning? The happening is the ENERGY of CIVILIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, discretely differentiating each of its own path out of the general process that is going on, when the highest level of all forms of PROGRAMMED HARMONY at the previous stage is reached, before proceeding to the next stage of its development. Is it too complicated to get at the meaning? It is complicated, but for the time being. Are the people involved in this process? Yes, they are, or, rather , their Brain is involved , through which the intended implementation is taking place within the framework of the adopted vector of the target. The scale of the happening is so enormous, or, rather, endless, that it is too difficult to comprehend. Most people believe that. But that is not so, since infinity DOES NOT EXIST , neither does zero. Naturally, a NEW THEORY is required preceding practice, corresponding to the scale of the issue under consideration and the one that would be able to drive away the imposed model scientific limitations and errors of the past stage of cognition, based on the material world (materialism) as the dead anchor of the continuous IMPOSED LIMITATIONS . I’d like to note that a new theory of the similar scale, which is very intelligibly presented in five parts of the "Foundations of the Mankind Formation", will successfully pass its test if it (even now) in total answers the questions about the birth of the universe and explains the true essence of matter as a whole, (from origin to its constructive