F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 245 lack of seafood on board, because the original cause should be sought in the executive organizing activities of the Comintern. I would kindly like to say at least to a reasonable part of the US population that the non-programmed substitution of the consumed proteins and minerals (with soybeans products instead of seafood) has led not only to the IRREVERSIBLE DISORDERS of all metabolic processes in the body of Americans and to excesses in weight, but also to very serious problems with BRAIN DEGRADATION , and to the aggressive behavior of the major part of the society. And this literally affects the formation of individual and public consciousness. This is principled and in short, but quite enough for understanding the first group of functions of the Hydrophone layer , as a factor demonstration of its GOVERNING INFLUENCE on the Consciousness of people in the process of their organized being. 5.9. Need for thought There was a completely different, but no less important, level of influence in the second group of functions of this Atmosphere layer. 13. Functions of the "guide and safekeeper" of the part of the governing energy-information translation, coming from the Control System Brain as a whole, concerning the executive nature of the material usage of people, formation of their actions and events within the framework of both strategic Programs: "Development of the Genotypes of the Brain" and "Development of the energy biogenesis of the Flesh cell". It is not intended here to consider the whole complex of the second group functions of the Hydrophone layer, through which the TRANSFER of part of the energy-information translation WAS CARRID OUT on the consistent realization of the entire historical Vector of Target of phenomena, actions and events of the entire vast geography of the world, since only the demonstration part of them is important and sufficient today, which, directly or indirectly, had a relationship to the formation of the people public Consciousness. I hope, many volumes of future research will be devoted to those processes. We will consider only some of the facts of the participation of the hydrophone layer in these processes.