F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 229 bestial fanaticism (civil war in Russia, Stalinism, fascism in Germany, an insane passion for profit through violence on the part of individuals from the territory of the USA and England, etc.). Out of the whole complex of such difficulties, I will only touch on the problematic limitation, which was NOT only EXPLAINED , but also NOT ALLOWED until the collapse of the Interventionist Civilization. This is an unconditional commitment in the "pyramidal" construction of irreversibly increasing violence in the governing of the entire mode of life and being of people. It would seem, at first glance, how and in what way, could this problem have to do with the formation of Consciousness both public and individual, and, in this case, the Atmosphere layers, as well? But before going on with the coverage of this issue, it is necessary to be defined about the constructional peculiarity and functional dispensation of the Atmosphere layer No1 . 5.6. Specificity In this (the first) Atmosphere layer the Brain Communication grating of the Control System and the Brain of the Control System itself are located . If we consider this layer from the point of view of the technical complexity of its arrangement and the scope of all technological concentration to ensure the necessary program energy-information translation as part of the cluster control system, then it occupies a LEADING PLACE among the other layers . But if the significance is determined from the point of view of its place in the general hierarchy of the integrated functional dispensation of all the Atmosphere layers in general, then the leading positions of this layer lose somewhat in the scales (in comparison with the other Atmosphere layers), because this layer is essentially significant mainly for secondary derivative processes of the control and attendance of the whole biosphere being. If this layer is considered only within the framework of the problems of the governing organized being of people, then it IS the PRINCIPAL element of the cluster control system of all EXECUTIVE ACTIONS of people, including the implementation of the strategic programs of the Interventional System: "Development of the Genotypes of the Brain" and "Development of the Energy Biogenesis of the Flesh Cell".