F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 217 is 0.77 g/cm3. Today, "modern science" DOES NOT KNOW the actual structure of tritium and its properties. In its pure form, tritium can be separated ONLY by the GENERATOR of the Complex object. What is now taken for tritium is a cubic grating framing a structure containing octaves up to 96. Actually, the grating itself has a gravitational basis, therefore the content can be weighed; that is, the weight and, accordingly, the content of the grating itself in the water are determined. The contents have a NON-INERTIAL MASS and can not be weighed. Tritium outer grating has an octave of 32.62546258 . Deuterium and hydrogen have similar grating and you have already make sure of it. Tritium radioactivity is determined by the grating of 53 octave (2nd electron layer). The norm for this layer is 2% . The structures inside the grating are dodecahedral-icosahedral formations containing octaves from 53 to 96 inclusive . Due to what then does water get the necessary density, and what is added to the bond with oxygen? Upon contact with the structure of tritium, oxygen receives an additional gravitational atom, that is, gets "heavier", with breaking the bonds this property disappears. Therefore, it is believed that tritium in water is of hundredths of a percent. However, tritium takes up almost one-third of the space in the structure and changes physio-chemical properties of oxygen in the bond. 5.3. Why do biostructures need water? Water is necessary for biostructures only in order to DERIVE HIGH- OCTAVE COMPOUNDS ("living water"). Here, the brain receives all the necessary frequencies reserve (non-inertial mass) and uses it for its vital functions . It is important that, despite differences in genotypes, water "SUITS" EVERYONE. Everyone gets out of the water those frequencies on which exactly his brain works . A man is not able to live without water for more than 3-5 days, he must constantly HAVE some REPLENISHMENT of tritium structures. Sea water also contains tritium, but in it there are no frequencies that the Brain needs. Water, purified from a part of the non-inertial mass, is thrown away out of the body in the form of urine and sweat. By the way, by the difference (initial water – urine ) urine analysis can show the Brain structure. In it there are those frequencies that the Brain DOES NOT USE (promising