F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 189 NOT HAND MADE "the World Created", limited by the scope of the explanations given. 4.6. Understanding After the seizure of the Earth the structures of the energy gratings of all the Atmosphere layers were BASICALLY CHANGED by the interventionists due to setting in the "imported" energies base octaves and their own accepted forms in arranging energy gratings, but only in the range of 15 to 128 octave . The fact is that in the general interventional escort, as I have already mentioned, three moons arrived. But with the self-destruction of the Planet Phaeton , the most perfect two were eliminated. For this reason, the ultimate of the "delivered" octaves of the basic imported energies was limited. Within these limits of energies octaves THERE WAS COMPLETELY DESYROYED the entire true (child-bearing) constructive filling of the energy gratings in the Di structure and replaced for a cubic one, i.e. K-structure. But from 129 to 224 octave the true original base energy frequencies in all the Atmosphere layers remained in the former structural state (Di-structures) as a fact of inaccessibility in their elemental construction due to the limited technological destructive possibilities of the interventionists. However, for all this time (i.e., over 18,000 years) the potentials 30 (potential density) of the frequencies in these true energies octaves (129÷224 octaves) , NOT BEING in the maintained state of energy "recharge", were approaching zero and by December 2012 would have disappeared (collapsed according to the plans of the Interventional program), and the Atmosphere structure after this destruction would have to contain only imposed k-structures up to the level of 128 octave . This would have become the irreversible finally captured state of the Atmospheric Construction, in which case the Earth would have actually carried out its self-liquidation in general. I’d like to note that "SvetL" Programs as well as the Generator itself, after their "creation", also required SOME ENERGY "SUPPORT ", because all of these “were created" in the previous Interventional energies octaves. This support was implemented first by N. Levashov himself (that is, he himself created this "replenishment") then the so-called Generation Matrix 30 Generalized characteristics of the interaction of charges in the investigated region, with the charge of the energy imposed on this region of the octave. It is impossible to measure this parameter with the instruments of modern science.