F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 185 until now HAS GOT AT THE MEANING of or commented what was "opened" and what it was "opened" for. I am sure that in the very near future it will be possible to "disclose" this information that will become the KNOWLEDGE of the ready to accept PERSON. ……………………………………………………………………….. 29 4.5. The root of the problem Outlining this information and understanding all the specificity of the topics touched upon, first of all, I address it to those whose goals are NOT LIMITED with the framework of this world, but expand to the fields of, let's call it, metaphysics. I do want this information to become basic for many of you , the one which would push off further, if, of course, there was a desire. I deliberately "simplify" the information from N. Levashov, A. Khatybov and the Research Institute of the CPS (the Centre of Preventive Strategies) making it, in my opinion, more accessible to the reader. However, it is impossible to give such BASIC INFORMATION to the majority through logic. Even the most simplified text, many of the readers forget and return to their subconscious settings the next or in a couple of days, – not because they find some logical inconsistency, but because the information contradicts the existing subconscious settings. The unconscious is stronger than the conscious . But I do want to hope that the conscious will become stronger if the Human himself wants it. Therefore, I will persistently write it again and again, but on more expanded information. I DO NOT HAVE DOUBTS that people who are now participants of "SvetL" Programs will get a deep look into the essence of the written. But so far there are NOT ENOUGH of them, and if the others get interested in this or that way – there will be a breakthrough. However, we have to go on with the narrative. The most complicated true Construction of the entire LAYERED STRUCTURE of the Atmosphere before the intervention had contained such a complex of energy gratings under which in each layer there had been its complex set ("recipe") out of the group of energies frequencies from 12 to 224 octave , mainly and even with some individual elements up to 512 octava (only out of the Di- structure). This layer-by-layer energy Construction of the Atmosphere 29 Not public for the time being.