F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 151 participated before, the recollections of the past life and knowledge of foreign languages since the cradle – all this is only a minor part that has been drawing the attention of all kinds of scams, especially from the so-called "science". These and similar cases recorded by witnesses, captured on photos and videos, including legally proved, are a means of existence for all those who "has been feathering their nest" on ignorance. The Academy of Sciences HAS NOT INTERVENED in "miraculous" transformations, and it was only on hand to all healers, witches, black magic and white magic and other crooks. But today, the frequencies at which they removed the information are disbanded. And it no longer works. № Name Foundation – Horse knowledge Non-scientific point of view 1 Atmosphere The mixture of gases formed by chance Strictly organized structure of gratings series 2 The Earth Formed from dust Exists thanks to the Control System (CS), located at a certain depth 3 Fields The number of names is unlimited – from the farm to the astral Thee are 3 Fields as physical structures, conditionally can be called as electric, magnetic, gravitational; different in frequencies and properties of the charge (octave of the charge 4- 512 in Di-structures and 16-128 k- structures) 4 Matter The whole world, both on the Earth and in Space, is composed of Bohr’s atoms If octave of the charge is less than 66, a rigid structure of the proton atom is formed (matter). 5 Spirit The spirit, usually the Holy one, exists separately from the matter If octave of the charge is more than 64 (up to 512), non-inertial mass, quantized on the purpose and properties is formed. 6 The Moon A piece of the meteorite, captured by the Earth The external Life Support System of the Earth, the programs generator for the biosphere. 7 Man Descended from apes Change of the sperm octave in an appropriate environment forms a human (APE – humanoid of a man. 8 The Brain Everything that is under the scull Man is provided with a part of operative brain and a minor part of the long-term memory Here are some A.Khatybov’s terms and explanations who always proceeded from the fact that the "basic constant in modern science is the