F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 15 Prologue Life goes on... As a basis of the book, or rather, four books as it turned out later after long deliberation, I have decided to take a remarkable work of the Man who called me his associate, "gave" me so much knowledge that my acquaintance with him has become an integral part of my life, and what I have gained from him – MY KNOWLEDGE . The work in question is the "The Mirror of My Soul" by Nicolai Levashov . The events that have happened to me for the last few years seem to "reoccur" the events that happened to Nikolai. Just because of it and for the readers’ better understanding of my story, I will "take" those episodes from Nikolai Levashov's book that I consider necessary, and project them onto the present day, the events that happened to me after his" passing away" (I do not want to say – death). This will make it possible to return once again to the information given by N. Levashov in his books, and to comprehend it, realizing that what he wrote about is happening today with many of us and everywhere. I am also doing this because I have promised to "finish" the INCOMPLETTED third volume of "The Mirror of My Soul", which was begun by Levashov just before his death and which is called "Life goes on..." Much has been contained in this title (if you consider it carefully), including the answer to the question: why this volume must have been completed after HIS PASSING AWAY , in what way and who should complete it and for what purpose it should be completed . This is neither a continuation of N. Levashov’s life story, nor some moments of his life that are known to me and that were not mentioned in his writings; although, I will certainly touch on some aspects. I am sure that SOME people will CRITISIZE me, because they are expecting this book to cover some hidden facts from Levashov's life and the continuation of a certain story about him. But these are neither memoirs nor a biography. These are broodings over the past and the left behind. This is MY KNOWLEDGE , that I have got at school, the naval school, the naval academy, and other educational institutions with famous names. This is the knowledge gained at naval and government service. But the most important is the knowledge gained from the outstanding Russian Scientists, who I was fortunate enough to know personally, and from those who unfortunately I have not had the