N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» Book 3. The Cell and Health

Book 3. The Cell and Health. Chapter 2. Isn't it the right to take the old with a new future 98 Here's the answer to the question what for and why the reincarnation 19 was imposed upon. It was because of the "creation" of a certain Brain genotype in the framework of solving Ebr problems "progressed" so "slowly". N. Levashov described this process in the most detailed manner in his work " The Spirit and the Mind " . Even in the title of this work, the answer to the question of the identity of the concept of the Spirit and the Brain is laid. And this identity is laid in the word Mind. 2.4. The nerve… The basic work is performed by the "Spirit nerve cells" (read Brain cells), and, naturally, they lose their evolutionary potential to the maximum. But here, and precisely because of this, the new physical body acquires the highest possible evolutionary level, identical or nearly identical to the evolutionary level of the fourth material bodies of the Spirit cells. As a result of this wonder of nature, the new physical body ("shirt") acquires an evolutionary reserve, as compared to the second and third material bodies (ethereal and astral), in contrast to all "Spirit cells" and creates sufficient and necessary conditions for further development. It should be noted that in the formation of a new physical body, only the second material bodies of the "Spirit cells" interact directly with the cells of the developing fetus, while the 19 Reincarnation is the transmigration of the Soul, reincarnation (in this case the migration of the Spirit (Brain) within the framework of «working out» and creating a certain genotype of the Brain.