F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 89 following what people focus on, what they ask about, what they "take" from our sites and spread somewhere in their circles (on forums, blogs, etc.), what save for themselves (for episodic rereading). To my disappointment it turned out that only the most primitive, least essential information is more or less in demand: what to eat, what kind of water to drink, why “I do not feel the work" of the Generator, when my brain opens up and I begin to "create" (what to "create" – is easy to guess), etc. Of all the abundance and variety of interesting topics offered to study on our resources, the really important and significant subjects are nearly unnoticed. To put it simply, the "theory" of recovery and development for people (with their health and everyday problems) is not interesting in principle – it does not matter to them what and how to apply, why exactly this way, and not another way, if only a) it fits into their ideas of life and b) helps, and preferably, immediately ( you turn on – and tomorrow everything is okay). I do not mean to offend anyone, but I do want those of our Comrades- in arms who help and carry information about Technologies and New Knowledge, to take it personally. And here is a vivid example. The user calls and says with a confident voice: "I have 5 days before going on a business trip, and I'm not quite well – I have to be recovered urgently! Urgently! What do you advise me to "turn on", what power to put and, in general, what should be done? "I do not care" – just before flying I must be as fit as a fiddle... I read that if you "connect" to my Complex ("Bracelet"), everything can be done... "And all this is after I spent several hours of my time, to explain to him (a month ago) in several letters – what to do, why it is so, and not in another way, which organism’s reaction signals about stage-by-stage improvement and much more – and he seemed to understood everything. At first, it upset me, but then I came to the conclusion that it was even better. In a sense that, I really, should not waste my time and energy trying to prove anything to anyone, explain all kinds of "why" and "what for". And not only because people do not get much (and what they get it is quickly forgotten). Wasting time and energy on explaining is meaningless for another, perhaps even more important, reason. Seeing various alternative healers who lecture on YouTube and with an intelligent appearance telling the "flock" about their "understanding" and the ability to heal and comprehend the problems of the sick. I realized very soon that it was completely senseless to draw additional diagrams, charts or graphs besides those that were displayed in my articles and this book. All this will be exactly as I explained earlier – "Look, A influences B this way, and on feedback system – also on C, and D, showing the interaction of Programs
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