F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 69 Physics of Energies , which make it possible to understand what is happening, because the Brain of Man must exist and not depend on the external changing conditions. In the process of its development the Brain should receive new information and use it in the "national" economy. But for this, the development of a "civilized" society would have depended only on the length of one’s life. Precisely this subject we are going to discuss. In practice, there is no situation without some links with others. With careful analysis, it can be shown that when measuring most common quantities (mass, distance, speed, etc.) we are dealing with a set of properties. The same thing happens to Man, when the parameters of his Brain, body (shirt) and life support system change under the influence of various factors which all people have to confront to on our planet FOR THE FIST TIME WITHIN THE LAST 18000 YEARS . Of course, such a situation requires explanation that could be perceived by the majority. It is difficult and is on the verge of complete misunderstanding, but it should be done in any case, trying to find such forms of presentation that are acceptable and understandable to many. We have repeatedly discussed this subject with Nicolai Levashov, and I am trying to follow it in the book. 2.1. Nothing personal – just only "letters"… Today’s children are tomorrow’s people. A well-known saying, isn’t it? It is fundamentally correct. And by and large, all of today's transformations are precisely within the framework of this concept. They are not smooth, but they do go and the entire negative comes to light which is not to have place in the future. People of my generation and younger remember one of the slogans of that time: "A book is the best gift..." And can we remember today anyone who is delighted to be given a book? In 2000, one of the leaders of the "new" Russia education system said (I remember it very well) that "the shortcoming of the Soviet education system was an ATTEMPT TO MAKE A PERSON -CREATOR , and now our task is to grow a "qualified consumer" . Just try to get at the meaning of it! This was the start of the last stage in the formation of people- consumers within the framework of the "golden billion" program. All the rest are of no need. But this plan has not taken place, and you, after reading the previous chapters, know why. When any information can be obtained through Google, Yandex, etc. – you can make a show of your knowledge just by "clicking" the "search button"