Book 4. The Physics of the Realities. Afterword with the prospect of continuing... 438 But in order to become not just living creatures with human forms, but much more, we have to grab the labor Spade and with it clear the way to the "SvetL" repair shop of NP "RNTO " in order to take the Bath then and use the "SvetL" Broom there, then with a sense of self-satisfaction, after preliminary wiping and turning on a new computer just received, be convinced of super power. 7.10. The necessity of assimilation, with no bias Below I re-list the information in order of its importance and I hope that the reader will not condemn me – if you have not assimilated (have not understood, or doubt about № 1 , I am sure that there is no sense to pass to the second one, etc. 1. A Human body CAN SYNTHESIZE AND LIQUIDATE EVERYTHING. This means that regardless of what you deprive it of, sooner or later it will be able to produce out of the AVAILABLE substances (even out of water and air) everything that is missing (naturally, under the control of the Brain) – it is only a matter of time. Regardless of what you put into it in excess (potent poisons and lethal doses are not considered), sooner or later it will know how to resist it by producing neutralizers. 2. The moment when the body learns to do this, will become for you the "moment of the truth" (in a negative sense of it) – from now on you become slaves of the tough dependence (on "habits", medicines, food, etc.). Any small dose of what should not be in the body will be met by aggressive electrochemical resistance, which in itself will serve as a source of a great number of different sufferings, troubles, unpleasant symptoms and diseases. It is this fact that underlies all the dependencies: tobacco, alcohol, drug, coffee, narcotic, gambling, etc. To neutralize the defense developed by the body and remove the whole complex of related painful symptoms, it is necessary to introduce even more substrate against which this defense is built, which, in turn, leads to even greater reinforcement and diversification of protection – the vicious circle closes, thickens and hardens. I am emphasizing once again: any dependence is based on the acquired and developed ability of the body to protect itself from the presence / absence of a substance on a scale many times greater than the actual need. Is it possible to "break" this vicious circle? Yes, it is. But if you understand, accept and apply the "SvetL" Programs . This is not an ungrounded statement, but sensible and proved. But only if Man is strong willed and he puts his mind to