F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 3 Foreword In your hands is the book "N. Levashov’s "Svetl" Broom in A. Khatybov’s Bath School and the Labor Spade" in which the author, Feodor Shkrudnev , gives a retrospective of Mankind’s development for millennia, not from the point of view of a hisTORian, but as an observer who knows not only how to ask questions, but is able to find answers in the real life. These answers are often so far from our traditional world perception that you catch yourself at the thought that you are reading a fantastic saga of humanity. As if the author removes from the reader the glasses of the "Great Sage and Wizard Goodwin" from the Emerald City of Science, which have been put on everyone since early childhood. What is this book about? Briefly, it seems to me it is a small encyclopedia of the present scientific thought, which is still not recognized by the officials from science and which is unreasonably called "alternative". Recently, there have come out so many works of present day scientists which raise to the ground various theories, such as Albert Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity", N. Bohr's Quantum Theory of Atoms Structure, etc., so it's high time to think what remains after revision of our knowledge. It might remain nothing, and another "revolution" of consciousness awaits us and the following steps in the knowledge of the world around us. It is possible that at last "secret repositories" will be opened in various countries, and we will finally be able to read the true history of mankind, which has been hidden from us. But, if this does not happen, the facts that are now becoming the property of mankind, are able to "clean the Augean stables" of modern science. The book is devoted to the times of the Earth creation as home for Humans and the subsequent attempt of intervention of other civilizations to the Earth, which, according to the author, was partially successful . Where did life originate and how did it originate on the Earth, is this process manageable, or is everything going at random? The book proposes a hypothesis, with which one can agree or disagree, but which is substantiated by many well-known sources, including the Bible. It entirely depends only on you what to think of the proposed hypothesis of the actual construction of the Earth. Present hypotheses of the creation of the Universe ("Big Bang") or the Solar System do not stand up to criticism, and more and more scientists openly say that they do not believe it. I will