F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 203 important! And not with the words uttered by someone out there in colorful gowns and with crosses decorated with jewels. Let them say to themselves what they have memorized for their whole lives. Let it be the sound design of your presence in the Church. And icons and all church utensils – just beautiful scenery. IT IS YOUR PRESENCE IN THIS BUILDING THAT COUNTS . People become calmer. They do not rebel. They do not try to trigger off some kind of bloody rebellion and so on. They realized all the viciousness of the recent "elections" of “the chosen by people" and did not run after red flags and bottles with a combustible mixture. Now Russia needs peace. Especially after April 14, 2016 . And it is nearly reached. But this in no way negates the understanding of the processes that are taking place before our eyes. Therefore, the intensity of servers under the Temples is only being increased. The work is being done. B.Makov , telling me all this, laughed for a long time: "...Well, guys. Come on quickly... What is going to be here? Lent! Everyone is told – not to sleep, not to eat, to think about the Motherland. Fasting does not mean much. Those who have never fasted will fast now. And this is with very great benefit for the participant. This moment, the metabolic processes will be changing". The churchmen are losing their power. They have no civilization advantage. It was imposed by the old System as a control element. No more of it. It is not supported by anything. There remained only automotive ritual actions. And the fact that through the media, through cyberspace they broadcast- oh, for God's sake! Let them do it. For their own sake! Their tongue speaks to them. Through the microphone they speak for their headphones – well, let them talk. You should not be interested in this. Most people who seem not to perceive are "downtrodden" so much that they are just shy of thinking that they understand something. They perfectly understand everything. How many centuries have they been “slaughtered”? How many last decades have their "Brains been warped"? Here – do not say anything.., there – keep quiet... Here – they will report, there – you will get conviction. They will call you an idiot; they will scold you in the collective. They will deprive you of your turn for a car, for an apartment, for anything. It's like a scar, for life. All understood everything. I can see it in the letters that come to me. I will quote one letter that came from Canada from the Man, whose name is Andrei Rekhtin . He expressed his understanding of faith, so deep
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