Book 4. The Physics of the Realities. Chapter 4. There is no time that is defined 190 Of course, this is difficult to express through the language, because you find yourself among the images that are too religious. But you do not have to be afraid of it. 4.1. God does not play dice… Einstein wrote in a letter to Bohr: "Quantum mechanics inspires me with greater respect. But the inner voice tells me that this is still not the case... Anyway, I am convinced that God does not play dice ... " Religion plays dice and has been playing for a long time – since its inception. Religion and Faith – are NOT THE SAME . There are religions based on Knowledge (for example, paganism). And there are religions based on Faith (Christianity, Judaism, etc.). And Faith (Faith in religious understanding) is just a means for "deceiving fools". They say that a True thing is far from the Truth, because the Truth is always unique, but a TRUE THING IS NOT EVER UNIQUE. Long ago, two men came to an old ancient town to preach the word of God. A local resident ran up to them immediately and said: "You came here for nothing, no one will listen to you here, and no one wants your Christian sermons. The inhabitants of this city are very rude and can drive you away, beating you with sticks. «One of the preachers, after listening to him, said: "You are telling a truth, I believe you». Practically in ten minutes another resident ran up to them and said: "It's good that you have come to this town, the people waited for you for so long and prepared you a warm welcome, they are all eager to hear what you tell them about the Christian faith". The same preacher said again: "You're telling a truth, I believe you». The second preacher could not stand it and asked him: "How can you tell these two people that you believe them? After all, they told us completely different things, and one of them was not true, and you agree with both. In response, the old man said: "You are also telling a truth, just everyone is telling their truth, the way they understand it and their own experience. No one lied, everyone told a truth, just not the whole of the Truth". "...There is nothing more Intelligent than the Intelligible Firmness of the Truth revealed to Man from Creator and embodied by Him in everything that is the "World Created" (one of the postulates of the single axiom of Logic being the basis of