F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 143 to any possible influences and distortions, taking into account the changed energy gratings constructions of all energies (cubic); - it introduced its own construction of energy information blocks that allowed them to be used to form the atmosphere Brain and people’s Brain, focusing on the formation of only such functions which would be convenient and acceptable for the introduced programmed proccesses of the control and implementation. This is a key moment in understanding the proccesses occuring with people nowadays. This provided a principled opportunity to deploy the Brain genotype Development Program and all other programmed processes, including the energy biogenesis of the "shirt", converting the entire executive process into the basis of the material use of people. And if someone now believes that he has already managed to escape from this vicious circle (material use of people), he is deeply mistaken. At present, only understanding the ongoing processe and willingness to overcome them is a real way to the Bath . All that was imagined and presented by thinkers from any field of knowledge – all this is information support for the part of the old system. In this connection, the world view, based on the information provided, which has nothing to do with the true one, can not be the true world perception in all its manifestations, be it some scientific or religious phenomena. But both were really based on the provided dogmas as a consequence of the weak-willed gaining and comprehension of them through the structure of cognitive information. From this important moment, people's perception was utterly unwilled and was subordinated only to the practical effectiveness for the part of the information obtained. This is precisely what the Brain of people is weak in, this is the reason why they are weak-willed and and applied for material purposes. That is why N. Levashov made a correction in the Generator regarding the (possible) development of the User's Brain practically a year after we "launched" this "project". It was necessary to begin to "make order" in this acquired perception, being a false truth of the “objective reality (i.e, provided by the old System). 3.5. Symptoms and problems Many health problems, health improvement of Man, his understanding or complete misunderstanding of the ongoing events depend on many factors related to both the Life Support System changing and many