F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 135 remained. I have no doubt that there are enough ways of rendering all possible help to people in the current tough (mildly speaking) situation, in addition to the "SvetL" Programs . The technologies that the staff of the SRI CPS (Scientific Research Institute – the Center of the Preventive Strategies (and not only) are engaged in are the confirmation. Many of these technologies I can not speak about ( by agreement with B. Makov ), because it is premature. However, I take part in this most interesting work within the framework of this Research Institute. I want the reader to understand – the "SvetL" Complex , Programs is the first but confident step in both people's health improvement and interaction of the Programs Users’ Brain with a rapidly changing Life Support System. 3.3. Faith and Faith+Measure An equally important aspect of the general system that provides all the universal capabilities of the control processes is the mandatory availability of the information field of the neutrino space (IFNS) in its close and unconditional interaction with the Life Support System. This is a very specific subjec, but it should be mentioned, because its availability is a necessary condition in maintaining the state of faith in an actively effective form of execution for each individual. Without an actively-effective executive state of faith, the Brain is not functional! An executive state of faith (including religious) was maintained, for example, through gold. Gold atomic structure is close to the atomic structure of the Brain information block of the Interventionist individuals (spiders) and individuals with the Brain genotype, called the "golden billion". Therefore, so popular are all kinds of decorations of gold, hanging (attached, put on) anywhere, where possible – both with men and women, and especially with ministers of worship. For gold, the information cube is framed with 6 cubes of the dodecahedron. Therefore, the main use of gold is a kind of biological "label" that allows one to conduct effective control over a specific genotype. It would seem, what relation all this, including information blocks, has to the state of faith, especially religious? The presence of such information blocks and the information field of the neutrino space is an extremely important fragment in the overall basis of the entire technological chain of the common System that provides the entire process of control from the