Feodor Shkrudnev. "SVETL BROOM" IN A. KHATYBOV'S "BATH SCHOOL" AND A LABOUR SPADE. BOOK 5. 19 even to express this, if it suddenly happens, limited by the only fashionable and ugly chopped-off “Wow!” As a result, there comes a moment when they say: “all this is good”, of course, – but what to do?..” And as it turns out, no one knows the answer, but for some reason everyone thinks that there is an answer. And it is necessary for us to see that there is an answer, but EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN answer, so it’s known where to look for it but in what way? - This is up to everyone, and you can probably do this from the swamp. Well, the indicator that the “process is in progress” – for many of you is the same “wow” in translation or without it, depending on the degree of “f…ing” with the next kick (jab) made by those who had time for it. Here and in my other books, and in this, which you are now finishing reading, there are many places for all of you where while reading you suddenly are rooted to the spot, and then say this “wow!”, or, what I am more confident of, the translation will be voiced immediately. This is where I end this book of mine. Now I can lower the periscope and command – “Boatswain! Descend into the Depth...” as I used to do when I was the commander of the nuclear submarine “K–369!” I express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me in writing this book, and especially to the talented Belarusian artist Irina Barsukova (from Vitebsk) for the selection of her drawings. Feodor Shkrudnev