Vita Versus Virus (VVV–369), or LIFE FACING VIRUS. F. D. Shkrudnev

1 Vita Versus Virus (VVV–369) or LIFE FACING VIRUS If you only knew all the mysteries of numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the Universe. N. Tesla A genius and a villain are incompatible... Humanity in its current state... is trying to comprehend the genius by copying «outer numerical indications» and doing other similar absurdities, without even trying to follow the “proposed” path from the Tesla’s anagram to notes and their frequency filling. And further – to the frequency content of the world, more precisely to the “form”, because its “primary content” is INFORMATION . Then to the amazing consequences that lie behind the entire chain – a person’s dependence on the ability of his Brain to “work” with the “form” – the higher the frequency, the greater the informational possibilities of “transmission” (exchange), or at least reception. Far from today's life, isn’t it? Just a minute, now: not everyone understands what DNA is, but everyone has already learned, like they know their “ABC’s”, that coronavirus is dangerous precisely by copying part of it. Doctors are racking their brains over protection methods, but the virus has gone “further”, mutating and leaving them