Америка помнит Николая / America remembers Nicolai

8 As our brains intensely struggled to grasp what amazing gifts we were being given, we were constantly bolstered by Nicolai’s work on those very brains. Changes happened rapidly. We did not have many moments to ponder what would come next. Over time, we learned more and more about what Nicolai and his wife, Svetlana, were accomplishing to save our planet and humanity. Nicolai was able to find and destroy a parasitic system that could have forever prevented the evolution of humanity and its movement to higher civilizations. We are now creating and experiencing our positive future because of what Nicolai was able to prevent with the parasites, at the same time taming destructive hurricanes in the US, making repairs to the ozone layer, and doing more that opened our planet to the progress and vector we were meant for. And what is next? – the present is our future. I and a few more who knew Nicolai are privileged to be associated now with Fedor Shkrudnev. And Fedor has taken us steps beyond. Through fortuity, perhaps a touch of destiny, intentional life purpose, or some combination, I have been privileged to meet and work with Fedor Shkrudnev as he develops technologies based on the life generator initially created by Levashov and later transferred to Fedor for his use in helping to save humanity – and the planet. Of course, I regularly devour the English versions of both Nicolai’s and Fedor’s books. Thanks to Nicolai and what he was sent here to do on this the date of his birth, answers to the mysteries of our universe are there for us – the knowledge is invaluable and not available anywhere else! One cannot say how precious the experience of reading is – the gaining of knowledge about our true past and how the future is unfolding. Start or continue your journey now on this day of celebrating Nicolai’s coming to the planet. Have gratitude for this and to the mother who brought her son to us. We are moving to the new future! With all good wishes, Ruth Scott 8 February 2023