Чудесный дар Николая Левашова

8 Nicolai also gave us blocks of information, like unopened books, installed into our brains ... and crystals (folded pieces of the universe). These fantastic devices could be opened when each individual was ready, when there was sufficient evolutionary development. How would we know? We should just ask our brains. Who answers? It is in fact our own consciousness that knows and will tell us when we are ready. The development and healing of his students and others fortunate enough to experience his gifts was only a small part of Nicolai’s work and purpose. His caring for humanity and the planet seemed limitless. There was never a time he was not working. He slept very little because in the night he traveled to the non-physical planes, returning to his body shivering from the cold. There, on subtle levels, he worked to save our Planet and all of us.. I did not doubt but also could not fully comprehend what he described about the cold until I had a rare experience. On one of only a few occasions that I was permitted to travel to other levels (though surely not as far as Nicolai) I learned by experience the feeling of intense cold that came from being “out there.” Wrapping myself in blankets had no effect. My spirit had to return to the physical plane before there was any warmth, taking a very long time to become normal. In order to help transform us and the world around us, Nikolai had to experience this chilling cold every night after returning to the body. Nicolai taught us that “… to change the universe we must change ourselves” . His dedication is still not fully appreciated, but certainly will be in the future. He left to us all his beautiful books, in which he laid out a lot of things that were hidden from people and were unknown to them. He left to us the information, which helps people to receive the New knowledge, and allows them to understand the realities of what is happening. He left to us all his Technologies, which today are already embodied in life and reality, and which have already proved their effectiveness in improving and developing the consciousness of the