Salvation of Saviors. (Series 005_369) A certain formula or – the background for comprehension

3 And nowadays this automatic performance is still present, especially among the so-called “rulers”, which is actually observed and most importantly – already understood by almost all those who are referred to, in their understanding, as “silent sheep.” It is also understood that they have developed a widespread habit of speaking on behalf of the scriptures: “The Bible says,” “Ayurveda says,” “according to scientific discoveries.” Although there is not a word on this subject in the Bible, Ayurveda in general is about something else, and science has not even heard of it. All elemental detailing of this life axis was carried out by “pensive and dreamy” performers from among the ruling class by “decomposing” the information of this black color into illusory multicolor components. In other words, it is the process of translating the information manifested through them, i.e. the embodiment of its essence in the future through a conscious or auto-motor-like “embellishment” of those actions through which it was necessary to come to certain events set by the System while translating such control information. This was the starting point for actions of any scale, both in terms of the quantitative coverage of the involved participants in the actions, and in terms of territorial large-scale involvement. But it was only the REAL STARTING POINT , as the program, as the idea for its subsequent implementation through actions and events with the participation of everyone else, but under the guidance of the governing class. Thus, the development from stage to stage was organized, governed and carried out, and all this was perceived as the development of some individual civilizations and outwardly it looked like the achievement of SOME RESULTS IN THEIR DEVELOPMENT . There was and still is a lot of linguistic multilingual false dusting and embellished scientific and literary lies on all the processes of “development” and even today it is “on the rise,” therefore people confidently, as it were, perceived what is happening as a certain path along which they follow, i. e. “through thorns to the stars.” Nowadays, against the background of what is happening, a certain formula of outright neo-positivists, or those who are trying to arrogate to themselves the right of “omnipotent rulers,” has opened up to us, consisting of the numbers of banknotes and votes in elections. For their sake, everything human: conscience, honor, duty, shame, pity, and sympathy, has been almost entirely ruthlessly removed from the formula of life. It is enough to analyze what is happening against the background of the so-called pandemic. A pandemic is precisely the BACKGROUND FOR the MANIFESTATION of the many vices of specific public (and non-public) people, the failure of the state as a system to control people, the failure of statehood and everything that we considered unshakable and reliable, and our confidence in the correctness of what the statesmen were doing, as if we were “authorized” to decide our destinies and the destiny of the nation itself. Many people already clearly see