F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 99 for a long or short period of time were translated to the Complexes, Objects and preformed Control Systems. The latter, in turn, through reverse energy informational translation operated, i.e. determined all subsequent terms of performance and found commands related to the development of structures, functions, and the design of the energy- informational translation for people and the development of their Brain throughout a long process of their supposedly "natural" perfection. It was through such programmed policies like orders, the process of development of the materialized by the interventional System people – from their state of "Cupola" Control 17 of the being to the present state of the accomplishing "Collapse of their Civilization" occurred. The formation of consciousness of the genotype of the Brain is a DISCRETE sequential PROCESS to bring the System functional Controlling information in the conscience of individual members (performers) at a specific "historic" moment through Systems of Control and Operation of accompanying and supporting Complexes. Thanks to this, with the application of systems of Control and Operation, there was implemented the Comprehensive support in the execution of the Programmed actions that led to a pre-planned System results and events in the development of human civilization for the realization of strategic Programs of the interventional System: "the Development of Energybiogenesis of the flesh cell". Along with the transformation of the Brain the biogenesis of the flesh cell was also changing while maintaining the external forms of people. Man was TRANSFORMED into Ebr in his essence, getting all the implications of such transformation in the form of a complete set of ALL parasitic functions. Man is a structure that is simultaneously in two spaces – in the neutron (proton) and antineutrinos (electronic) spaces . All sensations are formed only for the neutron space. There are other Brain 17 "Cupola Control" – the Biostructures at any celestial body possess only that frequency spectrum which is provided by the System. This frequency spectrum is provided at the expense of UFO. (a cupola is created under which the biostructure’s life is supported, and for which the frequency balance is unique).
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