F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 95 The brain, or the properties of biostructures, as the System of external and internal control, memory, orientation, information exchange properties mostly, were the same, but had DIFFERENT BASE . The Base is an individual property of an ethnic group against which metabolic processes of reception and transmission or language translation were built. In Georgia, for example, the basic element was manganese (Ossetians have another basic element; it's a different ethnic group). When in Georgia the deposits of manganese were completely depleted, the population got the process of "thickening" of blood and increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation. In practice, it was noticed in 1989. The Control system, taking into account the location of the "cupola" for 3500 years before the new era began attaching them to the layer of atmosphere No. 2. Using the features of the Brain of ethnic groups in the first place, each of them received basic radiation frequency, relative to which there was a rearrangement of atmosphere layer No. 2. The number of radiation frequencies was more than 100. Using the database, i.e. the radiation frequency specifically TO EACH ethnic group, their quantity and the number in each ethnic group were brought to the Program specified values. Primary life styles (culture) and borders of the habitat of each group were introduced and found with reference to the layer of atmosphere No. 2. Boundary of habitat no longer had a cupola shape. In the center of the former “cupola” "capitals" of ethnic groups were founded. Regarding this, the construction of further settlements was carried out, etc. In the course of development with the objective of stabilizing Control of the execution of the Programmed processes limitations were introduced WITHIN each ethnic GROUP which do not allow different ethnic groups to merge, i.e. be mixed. It became surrounded with imaginative and behavioral introduction (concept and realization) of different traditions, beliefs etc. If the group did not meet the conditions of the Program requirements, i.e. had non- programmed variations in its development of any irreversible character it was ANNIHILATED, usually by OTHER ethnic groups. But each group had its own object of defense, and if the group was annihilated, then the Object was destroyed too, it was transferred to the off state. THE PRINCIPAL PROGRAM goal was to create the "Golden million" based on "the Children of the Sun", and all ethnic groups had to be only CONSUMABLE MATERIAL for conducting Program experiments to improve and bring the Brain to the desired genotype and in the right quantity
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