F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 93 It is quite sufficient to pay attention to the purpose of each Complex which convincingly demonstrates the fact that all actions in the Control the processes of implementation did not leave any chance to be left without old System’s control, even in minor episodes of actions and events. A skeptical opinion or judgment will only mean the unwillingness or inability to go further into the matter. Technically, from the first steps of any Program simulated process to its PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION via the enlisted – everything was in the field of effective attention of the Control Systems. Moreover, the old System had the technical ability to lead and to COMPEL to the planned RESULTS in all that was determined by them through various set up Programs. While creating the atmosphere Brain (from -2200 m to 12,400 m) new frequencies were introduced in the original structure of the atmosphere. This process began over 2000 years BC. Strictly symmetrical structure of the atoms dodecahedrons was destroyed (some connections with the icosahedrons were removed). Each removal of such a connection led to the creation of a new chemical element. If you completely remove dodecahedron, you get icosahedra structure of bor. As the basis was 16, 22, 28, 32 and 42 of the octave, exactly in these structures everything was replaced. A certain combination of octaves 16 and 22 led to the creation of gas and the combinations of octaves 16, 22, 28, 32, 42 – to the formation of oil. White oil has additional octave 47 . Besides, octave 53 was inserted; as a result "explosive mixture" was made. But these combinations were intermediate and could not be used for the formation of the Brain, as they contained the catalyst – sulfur. Sulfur is a product of the Brain activity (note – sulfur in the ears), but it CAN NOT be in the composition of the Brain. But this "explosive mixture" has one property – it is impossible to transfer to octave 56 without it, which is extremely necessary for all representatives of the "Golden billion" in case of emergency, when, for example, they HAVE TO BE SAVED from a nuclear explosion. Since the intervention in the Atmosphere structure by the interventional System it has still been presented in 6 layers : № From To The Purpose 1 -4400 -2200 Atmosphere Brain grating connection, the atmosphere Brain 2 2200 0 Atmosphere Control system (-2200 m is the hydrophone depth) 3 0 1200 Base layer 4 1200 6200 Accumulative layer 5 6200 12400 Layer of materialization 6 12400 36400 Layer of the atmosphere protection
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