F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 83 simplified construction of their brain in the human body due to the loss of the recourses after Phaeton’s self-explosion. Secondly, the area of the saved (formed) land after its initial flooding with imputed water took only 5-6% of the area of the total surface of the planet. The "continental" formations were mostly in the locations of the imported (transported) and installed primary (stationary) interventional Control Complexes or objects. Thirdly, any attempt of creating self- born fauna of any long seasonal period was almost futile. The reason is that, as such, there was no synthesis control as a must for the habitat in general, and the unattended conception was giving up its being like a dying attempt of survival of the former fauna. The Earth BECAME BARE DEAD Planet, flooded with imputed water on the surface of which large-scale processes of annihilation of natural habitat, the barbaric destruction of all that could be preserved by chance in some way and fashion. And those fragments took place during this first stage, even in the initial period of the existence of the preserved groups of proto-Humans. Above the plates of the protective contour before filling it with water the interventionists had formed a layer of magma so that no humanoid was able to RUN DOWN , and to eliminate any attempt of the Earth Complexes and systems to OPPOSE the INVADERS. In that active destructive mode for 3960 years the first stage of the intervention of the Earth had been taking place, a certain, ALIEN to the Earth Environment based on parasitism and violence WAS BEING FORMED . Someone might keep in memory the definition of this stage as the first Civilization (obviously, they have those unwavering "generic" reasons). It was RUTHLESSLY DESTROYED within 2 days in 13954 BC, as all the experiments with such "imposed Civilization" ended in its collapse and complete failure. Ebr System was not ready for such complications and did not take into account the level of perfection of the Earth, although all the formal knowledge, especially of the basic constants of constructive formation of the comprehensive energy model of the Earth and its being, WERE KNOWN to the alien system.