F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 377 H. Roukhani wins. Snowden gives the media the first documents on the surveillance of US government organizations of users of the Internet. Death of Thatcher. The US Federal Reserve announces the curtailment of the program of assistance of the national economy. There begins the preparation for the second generation of the Complex "SvetL". Janury 19, 2014 Correction of the parameters of energy pumping up of the Earth, related to the change in the values of mantissas over all base frequencies in the range of 15-128 octaves (re-creation to the true state) and a significant increase in the intensity of pumping up in the true energy octaves of 224-512. Active recreation of the true states of the Earth energy harmony. April 2014 Completion of the elimination of connection of individuals of the Brain genotypes 441,442 with the Sun with the help of the atmospheric layer №6. Startup of the program to create another "golden million". Destruction of the artificially imposed Anglo-American-European illusion of the historical inevitability of their civilization superiority. 2014 Within the framework of the programs connected with the dialectic of the development of the Brain genotype (the conditions of the Habitat and Control) and the programs for the development of protoenergy-biogenesis of flesh as part of the Space Anthropoecology, the reconstructed complexes "Ural" and "Altai 2" start work on launching more than 8000 Programs (the Earth return to the Development Program, which was given to it at its inception and which was hidden by the True Earth Control System at the time of the Ebr's attack). 2014 2014. XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, demonstrations of supporters of European integration in Kiev, the duties of the head of state are entrusted to A. Turchinov, the Cabinet of Ministers is headed by A. Yatsenyuk, a referendum is held in Crimea and Sevastopol on the status of these territories. Crimea is proclaimed a sovereign state, it became part of Russia. The United States and the EU impose sanctions on a number of Russian politicians and companies. An armed conflict in the east of the Ukraine.
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