F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 375 civilization development recorded to the representatives of the Mayan tribe. Monitoring and maintaining the clock cycle (1, 0007 sec.) Complex Stonehenge is turned off from the old Control System. A new control and maintenance of the clock cycle (1.008 seconds) is turned on which is the true recreated time of the Earth at its first stage of the civilization development. This process corresponds to a special mutual position of the objects ("Parade of the Planets"). 2012 2012 V. Putin is elected President of the Russian Federation for the third time, the "people's march" in Moscow against his inauguration, the resignation of V. Serdyukov. Flood in Krymsk. On the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the Single Economic Space begins functioning. North Korea officially proclaims itself a nuclear power. Russia joins the World Trade Organization, the APEC summit in Vladivostok. Debts of Greece. B. Obama is elected President of the United States for the second term. At the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party of China, there is a change of party leadership (Xi Jin-ping). 22.12.2012 The date of the planned arrival to the Earth of the representatives of the "golden million" (984,000 individuals). The event does not take place (the energetic constructions of the Ebr elite Brain are destroyed "on the way"). The Control Complex of Altai turns on a New Program "The Investment that was shown" instead of the Interventionist program "Reincarnation". The Individuals with the 4xx genotype of the Brain can no longer be shown. New “SvetL” Programs are created aimed at the transformation of the Users’ Brain. Junuary 7, 2013 The Native System of the Earth begins to control the process of child-birth. 14.04.201325 .10.2013 The change in the form of the space of scattering of the true base radiation frequencies recreated in the atmosphere gratings of the recovering true Earth Control System Brain turns into an active phase of realization on the territory of Southeast Asia and the western coast of Latin America. 08.05.2013 The installation of new programs of the control and supporting influence on some stored objects of type 400, their terminals and control servers (under cult temples and structures). The change of parameters not only to support the information of the control character, but also with the frequencies facilitating adaptation to the new construction of energy information translation, including the adaptation of biological nature. 23.10.2013