F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 369 Elimination of the failed development program of individuals with the Brain genotypes 462-466. Active participation of N.V. Levashov in this operation. April 2001 2001-2003 Establishment of the SCO. "Nord Ost". "Terrorist attack" in the United States. The Iraqi conflict. Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive potentials. The start of the circulation of Euro banknotes and coins in the European Union. The war in Iraq. Accomplishment of the formation of the common memory grating and control structures. 2003 2004 V. Putin was elected president for the second term. V. Yushchenko became President of the Ukraine, in Georgia – M. Saakashvili. The government company of Japan allows the cloning of human embryos for research purposes. Expansion of the European Union, inclusion of 10 countries. "Orange" revolution in the Ukraine. Liquidation of the consequences of the intervention. The beginning of the practical implementation of the theory of "The Foundations of the formation of Mankind" through the native systemic level of the Control. The process of recreation of the complex control states on the Altai 1 Complex began as the first restored element of the true Control System. 2005 2005 The transition of the program of "The Tough Social Parasitism" into a triple fascism, namely: financial, administrative-bureaucratic and national-demographic. The Planetary Control System (700 km south of the Cheops pyramid) got an order to ban the lifting of all objects (UFOs). A programmed correction of the control processes related to religious buildings is carried out. 2005 2005 The implementation of four priority national projects is stated. Beginning of the monetization of social benefits. In Bishkek, instead of A. Akayev, K. Bakiyev came to power. Yulia Tymoshenko is the Prime Minister of the Ukraine . N. levashov returns to Russia. 2006 2006 Activation of the program for the formation of the "Golden million". These individuals were to have perfect protection and a direct connection with the Ebr Control System. It is planned to recreate the regulation of their life by the Ebr Control System until the achievement of almost eternal life. The formation of a sufficient number of the security forces to eliminate the instigators of