F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 363 in China, which overthrew the Qing dynasty, Gohmindahn. The Balkan wars. Russia's declaration of war to Turkey. World War I. 1914-1995 AD Selectivity for the Brain genotypes 42-46 was to be brought to the level of 22% of the total population of the planet. The execution was a success. Violence of different levels (from the systemic to the worldly) is not a real natural civilizational unconditional necessity, a reword and a certain "historical regularity" for the whole world community. This is an imposed program- executing illusion of information-control character to impart to all subsequent processes of civilization development strictly determined actions and events related to the implementation of programs of the Interventionist Control System and not more! Spring 1917 AD The replacement of the governing staff in Russia through the Genotype 442 for a revolutionary governor. The February Revolution, the October Revolution, World War I, seizure of power by the fascists in Germany and Italy, and the Second World War (until 1946). 1917-1920 AD . The second bourgeois- democratic revolution in Russia, the end of the Romanov dynasty, the October coup, the proclamation of independence by the Ukraine, the convention and breaking up of the Constituent Assembly, the Brest Peace. 1919 AD The program of the system control on imposing the world outlook on the basis of a rigid social parasitism was turned on, further expressed through the manifestation of various theoretical and practical forms of fascism. The beginning of the formation of the "golden billion". 1920-1924 AD Civil war in Russia. The Decree of SPC on the requisitioning of farm produce. Transition to NEP. Establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations. Formation of the Communist Party of China. The election of I. Stalin as the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the RCP (b.). Formation of the USSR, the death of V. Lenin. First Congress of the League of Nations. Femine in Russia. French occupation of the Ruhr area and currency crash in Germany. The UK is restoring the pre-war gold standard. The Third Appeal of the Coalition Group of Observers to Mankind passed to Е.I. Roerich and N.K Poerich. 1920 AD 1925-1945 AD Reichsmark in Germany. The Pact in Locarno. Persia: Reza Khan. Giving up the