F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 345 accumulation and concentration of the financial resources control and the circulated produced substitute are ensured in their hands. A different social status is prepared for the "Golden Million" future. The publication of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the uprising in Paris, the Civil war in the United States, the organization of the First International, the attempt opon the life of the Russian Tsar and many other events – are the organized and realized program processes of the old System (until 1904). 19141995 AD The selectivity by the Brain Genotypes 42-46 is to be brought to the level of 22% of the total population of the planet. The execution is a success. Violence at different levels (from the systemic to the worldly one) is not a real natural civilizational and unconditional necessity, a reward and a certain "historical regularity" for the whole world community. This is an imposed program-executing illusion of information-control character for giving to all subsequent processes of civilization development strictly regulated actions and events related to the implementation of the programs of the Interventional Control System and not more! Spring, 1917 The replacement of the control staff in Russia through the Genotype 442 with a revolutionary manager. The February Revolution, the October Revolution, the First World War, the seizure of power by the fascists in Germany and Italy, and the Second World War (until 1946). 1919 The program of the systemic control on imposing the world outlook on the basis of a tough social parasitism is turned on, which is further manifested through various theoretical and practical forms of fascism. 19291946 The Program: "Elimination of 50 million of the used and unwanted individuals, as consequences of the program process of energy biogenesis of the flesh cell". Entering into an active phase of execution in 1934 . The programmed support of the two governing spheres of being – socialism and capitalism. 19461990 The mutually-regulated antagonistic phenomenon of the programmed development of two special target spheres of being – capitalist and socialist, – as a single controled realization of the Brain Genotype 44 process of development. The accomplishment of the generalized preparation for the transition to a unified system of power and conrtrol on a liberal-democratic basis, which is to provide the basis for the next stages of the development of the Brain Genotypes. Bringing to the state of controlability the World Financial System, the unification into a single state of controlability of "the power of money and the force power". Transition to electronic controlled accounting and electronic money. Money takes on some properties of independence. A digital basis for constructing the design of the System control information, through the provided knowledge without gaining a deep awareness of its essence. Introduction of the basis of digital technologies aimed at replacing some of the Brain functions and preparing for the transition to another level of separate genotypes control at the subsequent stage. Jointly acquired is distributed according to the
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