F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 337 And this is only the first part of the questions concerning Daaria. After all, there are still studies by amateur authors, and not only, which very convincingly prove that Daaria has still been existing... not far from Murmansk in the vicinity of Seid Lake on the Kola Peninsula. There are photos and videos of enormous geoglyphs, the ruins of megalithic buildings, as well as the results of three expeditions in 1921 (Alexander Barchenko, head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergetics of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, conducted at the initiative of the OGPU), in 1997 (under the guidance of Doctor of Philosophy Valery Demin) and in 2012 (Yuri Kudinov). From the point of view of logic one can state the following: If Daaria had existed before the attack, then as a result of Fatta's fall, it could not have "plunged into the abyss", due to its absence. And the "path" for the Pascha Festival – the walk all over from Daari to the region of the future Asgard of Irian – should not have been then. And to survive 11 km of landfill up of the Earth by the interventionists and the World Flood – it would have been too much. Rather, it is the fate of individual groups of residents who, at least, definitely "stood" under the onslaught of the first violent "civilization" of Midgard-Earth. Hence, Daaria could be created by those who came to Midgard-Earth after the interventionists completed the "engineering works", but before the Ebr creating their Control System, that is, after 6234 BC . Or by those whom the Native ECS could materialize through the "gaps" of the Ebr defense and the layer of magma. It can be assumed that Asgard of Da’aria had similar protection as the later Asgard of Iria (as N.V. Levashov determined, it at least once had saved the city from a powerful tsunami), which the Ebr could surmount only in 1530. Therefore, for the destruction of Asgard of Da’aria the Ebr was forced to use "unusual" means. Judging by the nature of the consequences, it is possible to admit the use of something "tectonic", and the fact that the land began slowly sinking allowed the inhabitants of the island to move "to the continent" and found Asgard of Iria. As for the data available in the
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