F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 333 Midgard-Earth had (and saved from "prying eyes") the protective contour of the slab (without breaks) of 240 km thick. The outer contour, at that time, as a protective layer, saved during the invasion the planet Earth with an lifeless Control System, the Spirits of 224 octave and might be much more that we do not yet know. Since with the destruction of the two Moons, the Ebr lost the possibility of creating octaves of frequencies above 128, the invaders could not penetrate the plates of the protective contour of Midgard- Earth and captivate the entire Planet. They were forced to connect all the planets with galactic tubes (Svargi's needles). And all the time of the occupation, the planetary fleet of the Ebr civilization led by the Sun, as the main tug, and the satellites of the planets, as auxiliary means, "dragged" our Civilization Cluster to their native base (the planet Sur Ursa Major) for the final capture and realization of all their plans . Fallen to the ground fragments of the Moon Fatta could not cause volcanic eruptions and tsunamisthere were no conditions. But to leave a good "dent" on the 240-kilometer contour of the protective firmament of the planet, if suddenly it was, then maybe they could. Think about this: the remaining third Moon, as an artificial object and at the same time a spacecraft, has, according to indirect data, including a scientific one, an outer case with a large content of titanium in its spectrum of radiations, and hollow inside. It is reasonable to assume that in case of a break, some of them had to be burned down, and the rest could hardly have caused serious damage to the Earth. There remains a variant of a blow similar to the whole Fatta construction (should we look for it in the area of the Mariana Trench?), If... Although there are still a lot of questions, both of historical and physical character related to the possibilities of the protective contour of the Earth and the fallen Fatta, as well as the ability of the proto- Man of that time to affect matter and space that way. As for the change in the inclination angle of the axis and the period of rotation of the Midgard-Earth... In the presence of even one Moon, the axis of the planet could be shifted with the purpose of synchronization of the control complexes of the Moon and the Earth (change of poles). Let's return to this a little later... The ensuing destruction of all the life-support structures of the Planet’s Brain resulted in an almost complete loss of the people’s Brains potential (lowering to the level of 3%). In a short time this led to the elimination of all inhabitants of the Earth ( up to 1 billion ), flora and fauna, capture of individuals who were in a non-inertial state. Further – pouring magma,