F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 329 Appendix When I get down to this appendix, there began tormenting reflections. But they won’t give birth to any creative thought. Sometimes such things happen, and one should not get scared of them. Did not I promise in the beginning of the book, after all, that I would provide readers with detailed information about the ongoing events?.. I appealed to my Companions for help in this routine work, keeping in mind the words I said when I started writing the bookkeeping in mind my own words that not me would write the book, – but joint efforts of all of us. I express my sincere gratitude to Yu. Ocheretyanny and A. Nikonovich for the work that they have done to make it possible for such an important appendix to appear. It makes it easier to comprehend what is happening on our Planet and allows readers (I really hope) to get a deep insight into the content of these Books, which I supplemented with information from the works of N. Levashov, A. Khatybov, N. Morozov and many others, trying to show and tell the whole truth about those events on our Planet that had been deliberately concealed from everyone to achieve once set but never implemented goals. There is always a solution to any problem; you just have to find it. And if you do not find a solution to the problem – it means that something was not taken into account or there were not those necessary properties and qualities; but they are to come to you, as soon as you find the solution. A short story about the HisТОR(AH)y Any professional or amateur view of the history of mankind easily brings it to an endless list of armed conflicts and wars in which not one civilization or state perished. Another way, for the new aspect 42 of people was not envisaged by the Ebr invaders imposed system of parasitism and violence. As well as the preservation of documentary evidence of the losers, the memory of which often died in the flames of the fires burned by the winners or under the rubble of the destroyed depositories. Nineveh library of Assyria Ashurbanipal, papyri from the library of the temple of Ptah (Memphis, Egypt), the Alexandria library, the collection of Pisistratus (Athens, Greece), the Carthage libraries, the Imperial Library of Constantinople, the House of Wisdom (Iraq), the Pergamon library 42 People created in the framework of the Ebr programs "Development of energy biogenesis of flesh cells" and "Development of brain genotypes".