F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 327 from it that the principal provisions and landmarks are derived, around which the cultural, social, political and economic "systems" are created, that are used by Man. If the foundation collapses, the system-forming nodes lose ground. After N. Levashov’s passing away, I did not have much evidence confirming the correctness of my positions on the Technologies and their applications. I did not know about some of the confirmations then, other evidence was yet to appear in the near future, but ... I already had my own experience and my own evidence in the effectiveness of the Technology and in the possibility of using "SvetL" Programs , and the evidence was rather weighty. Despite the fact that evidence WAS NOT KNOWN TO MANY PEOPLE (and those to whom it was known were not in a hurry to confirm my results), it was obtained precisely both due to the correct understanding of the Laws of Nature, and methods of impact, and most importantly – interaction with Nature itself. That time when I had only just "touched" and started to learn the Technologies, I still had some belief that modern science was true science, that the overwhelming majority of people who call themselves scientists put their goal in the knowledge of the truth, that in the scientific world there was no place for deception and careerism! Then I still believed that most scientists were creative people, open to the new and free from dogmatism, since dogmatism is incompatible with science! Of course, I saw enough examples of the opposite, but I thought then that such "scientists" are the exception rather than the rule. Changing the attitude to the situation, we change our worldview and life. The victory of some scientific view and its inclusion in publicity – DOES NOT PROVE IT TO BE THE TRUTH YET . I'm probably just lucky that in the very near past I came across scientists who really had all the qualities of the true research workers, as I then saw it, and it "led" me to knowing N. Levashov , who determined all my future life, and not only it.