F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 325 And to understand this and more than this, I have tried to make a testing ground out of the written, on which, in my opinion, I have created some models of the SENSE OF LIFE , in order then to shift them into the existing reality and bring it all to people. For example, the fact that reading impregnates thinking. But if you want to bring something to people, then you have to BE THOUSAND PERCENTAGES CONFIDENT IN WHAT YOU ARE BRINGING there is THE TRUTH AND ONLY THE TRUTH ! There is a Lie and the Truth, and in the middle (i.e. between them) – a true thing. And we should always strive for an acceptable degree of approximation to the Truth, based on a true thing to cover what is happening. That was what N. Levashov used to do, and it was he who started to do it – for the first time. That is hard, because we are still, in the full historical fog of our "HizTory", backed up by the sly mental derangement of people’s consciousness on the part of objective scientific and horse-esoteric propaganda, have to dispel many myths of the Pseudo- Truth. And, never come to a standstill; try to shift people's knowledge on the path of the true thing – the Truth, realizing that this can be prevented by state violence, and by all the "clan-Khazar Guards" and their like. To make us happy, THERE IS ALL KNOWLEDGE ! All kinds of technologies! But they are hidden from us in the "secret archives". And woe to betide those who makes public even a minor a part of it. Even today – such people are declared either enemies of the people, or just physically eliminated. We know these illustrative examples. And it's not scary that the world will shudder to know the Truth. After another massacre, you can hypocritically "raise the glass" for the untimely gone Genius and pour crocodile tears on His grave. Therefore, to go this way, you have to understand: you ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE for what you give people before them and your own conscience! And you have to be, first of all, most confident that you have avoided delusions, have been able to correctly understand and think over your own experience, and most important – that your information, technologies that N. Levashov "launched", and you apply them, improve and develop, are not the fruit of your own imagination! Although to think up such a thing, from my point of view, is simply impossible, since NOTHING LIKE THIS HAS EVER BEEN DESCRIBED even by the most talented science fiction writers of all times and peoples, even those science fiction writers whose ideas have been realized in hundreds of years!! Nothing of the sort happened either in the legends, or in the religious doctrines of the divine creation! But N. Morozov, N. Levashov, A. Khatybov came out, and this door began
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